
New Year, New Beginnings: Embracing Growth and Leaving the Past Behind

Tonight, as the clock strikes midnight, marking the arrival of a new year, it’s not merely a transition of a date; it’s a moment to bid farewell to the past and step into the uncertain future with renewed hope and vigor. The truth is that the beauty of embracing the new year lies in our willingness to shed the weight of yesteryears, to discard what no longer serves our journey positively, and to march forward, totally leaving behind the shadows of yesterday.

Undoubtedly, it’s very natural to cling to the familiar, despite it being damaging for our growth.m. However, the dawn of a new year brings with it the perfect opportunity to assess our lives,m. It a real opportunity to sift through experiences, relationships, and habits, and to discern what truly nourishes our souls. It’s a time to declutter our emotional closets, letting go of grudges, regrets, failures and toxic patterns that hinder our progress.

Yet, amidst this emphasis on moving forward, it’s crucial to acknowledge the role of adversity in shaping us. Every stumble, every heartache, and every setback has been a silent instructor, teaching us resilience, fortitude, and empathy. The trials of yesterday, while painful, have equipped us with the strength to face the uncertainties of tomorrow.

Embracing the new year isn’t about erasing the past entirely; it’s about finding the balance between acknowledging its teachings and liberating ourselves from its burdens. It’s about cherishing the memories that bring warmth to our hearts while releasing the weight of those that burden our spirits.

Remember, growth often emerges from discomfort. Just as a tree strengthens its roots when exposed to turbulent winds, we, too, strengthen our character through life’s storms. The trials and tribulations serve as catalysts for self-discovery, nudging us to evolve into stronger, wiser versions of ourselves.

Therefore, as we step into this new chapter, let’s embrace the notion of letting go without guilt, of moving forward with unwavering determination, and of recognizing that every experience—pleasant or painful—is a thread intricately woven into the tapestry of our lives.

Let’s toast to 2024, not just as a marker of time but as a celebration of resilience, growth, and the boundless possibilities awaiting us as we walk boldly into the unknown.

Happy New Year!!

Stay Grateful!

Earlier this year I was invited to attend interviews for a position by an international organization. When I got into the interview room, I appeared before a panel of three interviewers-two men and one woman. A gentleman sat in the middle of the two other interviewers. He seemed like the leader of the panel from that position and his initiation of the interview added to my assumption. Whether I was right or wrong, I still do not know, but he seemed like someone people in that environment looked up to. Further, what was interesting and inspiring was that he and his team were all young people. Scrolling through my LinkedIn feed two weeks ago, I got a real shocker. One of his colleagues had shared a post about his passing. I went through his profile and really he had so many achievements and an even brighter future. I found myself extremely touched as though I knew the person. It really beat me up on how life can be so fragile, how he had almost made it to the year end and how far he had to go with his career. Apparently, he also left behind a little child and a widow. You can only imagine how devastating this may have been for his family.

I have this philosophy that, “I do not care who is having it worse, because my pain is valid too”, but its only logical to have exceptions when you encounter such situations. Such situations call for deep reflection. There are people, so many, better than us, more accomplished than us, more deserving of life than us, who have not seen this day and here we are, fortunate enough to see a new day and potentially a new year. I must mention that there is absolutely nothing special about us being able to see a new year, time and chance happens to us all. This reminds me of a line from one of my favorite books, the Art of War by Sun Tzu. He says, “to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight”. I will leave this to your own interpretation.

I do then believe that there is always something to be grateful for and in this instance, life. You may have had a terrible year, but the gift of life is a great opportunity for you to turn things around. Every new day you exist is a chance to do better and become better. Being alive is essentially a stream of possibilities where anything can happen. The process of living accords you a chance to be in control of multiple aspects of your life through decision making- that is a gift.

With the time that we are allowed on this earth, it is crucial that we make the most of it.  We need to treat the people next to us with more kindness, love and compassion, we need to care less about what people will think when we want to pursue happiness and we need to take it easy on ourselves- whatever we are doing within our present capacity is always enough. You did the very best that you could in this year. If you do not think so, it is time for you to make adjustments that will render you improvement in the coming year. Learn to appreciate yourself and limit comparisons with others. Each one of us has a race to run and therefore we should always focus on our own. Never be intimidated by those who do great, learn from them. Never think lowly of yourself because others attained your dream earlier than you, but be encouraged that anything is possible. We live in a time of social media where we all share the best parts of our lives and this may affect others negatively. It is then important for people to better manage how they deal with the content they see with limiting comparisons being a priority.

I am rooting for everyone’s happiness and I am praying all your pursuits are a success in 2023. I pray that you get the job you are looking for, I pray you meet a partner who will value you and add to your growth and happiness, I pray you have good health and I pray you find your purpose if you haven’t. There is definitely a reason you are here today and I do pray that you make the most of it. I want to wish you all a prosperous 2023. May the good Lord see us all throughout the new year. Stay Grateful!

The Cross Over

Quite surprising how today we are just five days to 2022. It feels like yesterday when our ship first docked in January for a period that seemed like three months, yet here we are. Indeed the wings of time are getting sturdier moment by moment. This has been quite a year. Yet again pain visited us in its own subtle way; myriads of loved ones we lost to Covid-19 and other predicaments. More painful was a number of young people, full of potential and in many ways better than us, who went before us. A true call for gratitude in our hearts must exist in us today. The review of the year cannot only focus on pain because that is not the only aspect it gave us, the year also sprinkled us with joy; you all have your personal victories, our boys made it to the English Premier league, another scored against Madrid and 12th August had the majority of the nation celebrating.

We are again at the point where our drafts are full of resolutions for the new year. While I do not believe in waiting for a new year to present efforts to be better, anyone who sees the need to do/become better deserves respect. Reflecting on this year, I first of all wish to acknowledge all the efforts you all have made to improve yourselves. I do not know them, but you know best. You wrestled demons, climbed mountains, swarm in danger and here you are standing at the mountain top with a sword in your right hand and the head of your opponent in your left. Surely will you not not stop putting pressure on yourself and tap yourself on your shoulder? Secondly, to those that are going ahead with resolutions, by all means. As you cook them though, allow me to throw in a few ingredients.

I believe that the best aesthetic you can add or enhance in yourself is kindness. We must be mindful of how we treat other human beings. I believe that the real measure of a man must be character and the starting point of character is how we treat others. As you think about becoming better, think about increasing your emotional intelligence. How we treat others will speak volumes about us than the personal perceptions of ourselves we preach. Our speech and actions towards others must reflect how we would love to be treated. I say sometimes that even after your demise, someone could remember the hurt your tongue inflicted on them. We therefore must be mindful of our behavior when relating with others.

You may resolve to attain a certain level of success and a key aspect in meeting your goal will be discipline. Discipline is crucial to our growth. I have this perspective that a lot of people that succeeded at something may actually not be better than those that couldn’t at the same thing. What set them apart was discipline. You must know when to stop and when to continue. You should never go with the wind, but you should be able to stand by a few personal principals. You must learn to have control of yourself. Lack of discipline limits your ability and capacity to stay on course. Whether you want to improve your grades, your self esteem, your relationship with your partner, your religious life or anything that may be your goal, you will need to teach yourself to follow personal rules.

On your journey of personal development, your self-esteem will be your impetus to attain more. I encourage people to read less of novels and more of personal development themed books including those that induce leadership. Surround yourself with kind , goal oriented and inspirational people. Ensure that you feed your mind with content that makes you believe that you are everything and can do anything. Remember that your mind is your greatest weapon, it is your compass, it is your healing and it is your growth. Therefore, make sure you nurture your mind to develop a mentality that is elite, you cannot afford not to be a god. What you listen to, what you watch, who your surround yourself with will shape your mentality. Strengthen your mentality and realise that you are a Queen and a King. Sometimes people get away with treating us undeservingly because we may not realise who we are. Let that power sprout in you to take nothing less than you deserve. Soon as you develop a great mentality, how people relate with you will change. Do not do it for the people though, but do it to expand your belief that there exists no limits to what you can achieve and to emancipate yourself.

As I conclude this blog post, I wish to encourage you all to have a heart of gratitude. There is always something to be thankful for. Recognise anyone who helped you, added value to your existence and inspired you. It doesn’t matter if you are at loggerheads with them, always remember the people that were there for you. In the same vein, cut of toxic people- just do not do it because it is a new year and new you. Anyone that costs your peace must never be tolerated. Let us free ourselves from human beings who deprive us of happiness. I wish this for you now and in the coming years. I do hope that one or two aspects I shared could be helpful and applicable in your life. God bless you all and wish you a great 2022- happy cross over.

6 Things to never do in 2021

Now I am not so big on new year’s resolutions and things of that sort, but I do agree that a new year comes with a feeling of optimism for many. Depending on the progression of the previous year, many seek a clean slate. This blog post is simply a token of support and encouragement to anyone who is on the pursuit of happiness for happiness is obviously the mission in planning to do these things. It is also a reminder to you, because you may already have the knowledge, but it is always helpful when someone else gives us a wake up call. So, lets go.

  1. Settle
    Despite the circumstances, the last thing you want to do is settle. If something is not worth doing, leave it alone. Most importantly, if something doesn’t make you happy or does not align with your standards you should most definitely abandon that mission. Of course we find our selves in circumstances that brew temptation to ‘concede’. Many of us may not be privileged enough to have options or second chances. For example we live in a time when unemployment is a huge crisis. You may be forced to take up a job that may have an impact on your mental health or simply is not your passion. If this job helps you out weigh the financial limitations in your life you must be able to find a way to work around this. Perhaps you have a certain expectation in what sort of partner you should have, but the available dating pool is a real disaster. Are you going to compromise simply because society imposes a deadline on when you should settle with someone? “Hell no!”, right? You are better of being alone than being with anyone that costs you your peace. The idea here is if you can control a situation, ensure that you never drop your standards for anything. Do not settle for a shitty paycheck when you can make millions, do not stop trying to make your crazy dreams come to fruition and do not settle for a crappy partner. Yes, go chasing waterfalls, do not play in the rivers and lakes because you deserve so much more.
  2. Be Ungrateful
    Ingrates are nothing but toxic. They breed a lot of negative energy which shifts the focus from progressivity to folly. You do not want to be this sort of person, but instead you want to be full of light, full of love and full of appreciation. Never take for granted any single thing an individual did for you. Even when you are no longer in good terms, never forget that one good thing they did. Be full of gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for. How we impact other people really matters, we need to ooze positive energy always. In 2021, appreciate everyone around you and always especially that these are times when you never know the last you met was good bye.
  3. Be Entitled
    Of course entitlement can be a healthy expectation, but false entitlement must be reduced on. No one owes you anything. Reduce on your complaints and stop expecting people to help you. If something does not work out, move on, you do not need to start complaining about how much you deserved it. Live life like you are not entitled to anything and see how much disappointments you will cut out.
  4. Not putting yourself first
    Learn to put yourself first. Everything you do is for you, even being kind to others or living for others is for you. Never put another human being before you. Some selfishness is necessary and healthy. To be able to do this, you need to change your mentality that accords you a huge sense of self. Learn to love your self and see your worth. I am not saying become a narcissist, but act in a way that show that you value and appreciate your existence. How others treat you is very dependent on how you see yourself.
  5. Being Unkind
    There should never be another definition of a human being other than their character. Human beings should learn to treat one another with dignity and thoughtfulness. Always be empathetic. You really have no idea the extent to which your kindness can help someone. Many people are facing unknown battles and you could add salt to injury, so please be nice. Do not be kind because you never know who helps you one day, but because it is the right thing to do.
  6. Stop Improving yourself
    Obviously this year and the previous one have been so strange and harbor an air of pessimism because of the way this Covid-19 pandemic has impacted almost everything in our lives. Notwithstanding this, you should never stop trying, you need to keep going, you have to adapt. Learn a new skill, begin to work out, start a YouTube channel or podcast, keep sending out your resume, reach for things that are out of your league. There is no perfect time when you can get that break. Greatness can happen for you even in this tough year, but it all depends on your effort.

I do hope you find this insightful and as this is my first blog post for this year, I want to wish you a happy new year. All the best!!!

2021 Budget vis-a-vis proposed tax measures

The year 2020 has shown no signs of waning in terms of economic deterioration. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated Zambia’s economic position with a negative growth rate of 5 percent projected for 2020 according to the IMF[1] or 4.2 percent according to Ministry of Finance[2]. Covid-19’s disruptive nature has compounded Zambia’s economic woes by stifling the growth of multiple sectors which propel the economy such as tourism, mining, and agriculture. Therefore, several stakeholders and the citizenry were anxious to hear the 2021 Budget Address presented on Friday, 25th September, where Government proposed to spend ZMW 119.6 billion compared to ZMW 106 billion in 2020.

To stimulate economic activity in various sectors and to offer tax relief to people and businesses, a few notable changes to the tax regime have been employed. 

The Minister proposed the raise of the exempt threshold for Pay-As-You-Earn to ZMW 4,000 from ZMW 3,300 per month and adjusted the income tax bands accordingly. Though Zambia’s income tax brackets may be relatively progressive compared to other regimes in Southern Africa, this sort of adjustment was long overdue given the rocketing inflation which stood at 15.5 percent as of August 2020. Therefore, the impact of this adjustment may not be substantial at present where the food basket for a family of 5 for the month of June in Lusaka stood at ZMW 7,060.80 according to JCTR[3].

The increment in import duty on some imported products in the quest to boost the local industry is justified. For example, the increase of 40 percent from 25 percent on agro products such as beef and beef processed products, pork and pork processed products, chicken and chicken processed products as well as fish imported from outside the SADC and COMESA regions is welcome as there is no reason Zambian super markets should be flooded with related imported agro commodities which can be produced locally. However, there is a need to ensure that local products remain competitive and government must ensure an enabling effective environment or else consumers will bear the brunt of the repercussions. It would be interesting, also, to see with time what this means for trade liberalisation in the region- how nations outside SADC and COMESA respond.

The boosting of the tourism sector which was immensely affected by the pandemic, where announcements of dropping corporate tax to 15 percent from 35 percent have been made, is very commendable by government. The same can be said for the mining and textile industries where import duties have been reduced or removed for specific commodities. There has been a removal of import duty on copper ores and concentrates to encourage local processing and a reduction of import duty to 5 percent from 25 percent on selected trimmings. Of course, this may translate to diminishing of government revenue, but desperate times call for desperate measures and such is cardinal in spurring activity in these targeted sectors.

One other major announcement that has been made is the reduction of the threshold for qualification of tax incentives as per the Zambia Development Agency Act No.11 of 2006 to US$ 100,000 from US$ 500,000. This is vital in promoting investments in sectors that are essential in driving the economy to recovery. Another remarkable announcement is the increment in the tax rate on betting to 25 percent from 10 percent of gross takings. Earlier this year, the ZRA Commissioner General announced that the betting industry revenue had increased from ZMW 10. 9 Million in 2018 to ZMW 49.8 Million in 2019. It is only logical that this spike in revenue generation be met with a well assessed tax obligation.

It would have been interesting to see an announcement in the budget address around taxation addressing inequality. The absence of wealth taxes is still an issue that should be addressed in relation to mitigating inequalities. Further, impact and needs assessments are vital in understanding how women are affected by taxes so that in times of an economic recession like this, deliberate tax policy changes are made precisely to empower women and other vulnerable groups.

Ultimately, these tax measures announced in the budget speech are progressive, but it is not certain that the gains will be immediately realised because of factors like high inflation and exchange rates. Therefore, this is more of a step in the direction to recovery. Government must continue to extend efforts in a consistent manner to the main sectors if the targeted growth rate of real GDP growth rate of at least 1.8 percent is to be met. Lastly, tax expenditure is costly for Zambia whose fiscal space is limited and has a huge need for debt financing, therefore ZRA has a huge task to limit tax evasion and continue to increase the tax base.

[1] https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2020/07/15/pr20260-zambia-imf-staff-completes-virtual-mission#:~:text=Growth%20is%20forecast%20at%20around,collections%20and%20higher%20spending%20needs.

[2] 2021 Budget Address by Honourable Dr. Bwalya K.E. Ng’andu, Mp, Minister of Finance, delivered to the national assembly on friday, 25th september, 2020.

[3] https://www.jctr.org.zm/uploads/1/1/8/1/118170975/lusaka.pdf



Image courtesy of tonyatko.com

Almost anyone can easily testify that they are yet to encounter an individual whose primary aspiration is not to be happy. There is a constant battle in everyone’s life to always be in a space of comfort. In whatever pool our efforts dive into, we hope that eventually we attain satisfaction. There is not one person who wants to stay under the foot of pain. Each and everyday we yearn for it, we try to work towards it, we imagine it, we fight for it, we pray for happiness.

There are so many ways in which we attain happiness and there are multiple things that bring it. These things vary from individual to individual, but one real intersection in myriads of human sets we can all agree on is the desire to find a person who will always be there no matter how easy it might get to leave you.

Love is an immensely powerful, beautiful and attractive force. Several people want to experience it or ensure its longevity- depending on the case. In our contemporary society, relationships have become a significant portion of the trends. Social media houses so many beautiful photos of couples which are usually accompanied by comments from the “God when officials”- a clear indication that the desire mentioned above is indeed a reality.

However, despite how much people desire them, relationships today struggle with longevity. The rate at which relationships are dying in this time and age is so overwhelming. There is an escalation in divorce cases. In Zambia, over 20, 000 marriages were dissolved last year. You don’t have to be nosy to note that the beautiful couple you knew that seemed so in love split. These occurrences imply that in as much as the ”Fikapwa” (it will end) trend is humorous, it does speak to the status quo.

So why are relationships ending today? Why are marriages failing? In establishing why, we would probably have to take a multi-dimensional approach. However we could still look at some simple, but eminent factors. I met a man at a workshop in Luanshya who told me that several people that are getting married today are definitely not ready for it. This reminds me of a tweet I saw the other day which said “some people are ready for the wedding day, but they are not ready for marriage. This is just the same case for a lot other relationships. You can get the girl, but can you keep her?

Today we initiate relationships for the wrong reasons. Some want the wedding more than the person, they want the status more than the commitment, they are in love with the idea of love more than understanding what it means to love someone. Further, others make decisions based on lust and many of us based on looks. Some are bound by the chains of societal pressure that force them to believe that at a particular point in their life a particular ‘milestone’ has to be attained. The point is that the fundamentals of pursuing a relationship have been neglected.

To be in a relationship requires a substantial level of discipline, wisdom and strength. You have to understand that the path you will take is a complex one and you will have to weigh how ready you are. When you are convinced you are ready, you go for it. If you decide to make a decision with no clear thought, your decisions will come back to haunt you sooner or later or in rare cases, you could get lucky. You cannot decide to be in a relationship just so you can also post cute pictures. The ‘baecation’ pictures will be beautiful of course, but what good are they if the subjects are a dysfunctional couple? Most importantly, you cannot decide to be in a relationship when you have not even learnt to love yourself.

The expiration date of many relationships today is always near approaching because of lack of preparation. People are not prepared to communicate their true feelings, they are not prepared to befriend the demons they discover live in their partner, they are not prepared to be content with who they chose and they are not prepared to keep the always and forever promises they made initially.

In addressing some of these issues, as cold as it sounds, we must begin to critically think before we make the step to be with anyone. Are they who I really need to be with? Are they good for my mental health? Do we have the same agenda? Do they push me to be better than I was? What value will they bring to my life? Always remember that it is always about you, it is always about your happiness. Your years should not be given to senseless relationships which are retrogressive. While you ask these questions also ensure that you are in a position to reciprocate because it is never humane to ask for what you cannot give.

Seek God for guidance in everything because at the end of the day, no matter how many right steps you may take, your relationship will definitely hang by the thread at some point and only God will see you through. Do not easily conform to the standards social media or society presents as the way to do things. Do not rush for anything and remember it is simply not the end of the world if you aren’t with somebody.

Be more cautious or FIKAPWA!!! 😅

FRA needs to limit interference in markets

Zambian Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE) Introduces Sunflower and ...

Maize is a crop of national importance in Zambia. It is a crucial indicator of food security and influences inflation. It is the most cultivated crop and therefore the most produced as the national food balance sheets record and easily visible anyway. It is the source of income for over two thirds of the population. Maize cultivation is encouraged by the government through the Farmer Input Support Program which is now complimented by the E-voucher.

The crop forecast survey for the 2019/2020 agricultural season reveals that maize production is forecast to increase to 3,387,469 metric tonnes from 2,004,389 metric tonnes produced in the last agricultural season reflecting an impressive increase of 69 percent. As seen in the crop forecasting survey for the 2018/2019 season, small scale holder farmers produce over 90 percent of maize in Zambia, therefore this is commendable to the 2 million plus small-scale holder farmers who do not all have access to subsidies and input support.

Normally there is procured between 300 000 and 500 00 metric tonnes, but in his address on the crop forecast survey for the 2019/2020 agricultural season, the Minister of Agriculture announced that FRA would procure 1 000 000 000 metric tonnes for strategic food reserves. This easily seems appealing in that farmers have difficulties accessing markets, but from another perspective, this has potential implications on market systems. Private sector participation could be influenced.

Further, FRA has set a price on maize of K110 per 50Kg bag. Considering prices of fertiliser alone in 2018 these prices may not be cost reflective and small-scale holder farmers stand to face the brunt of revenue loss. Poor prices let alone late payments which are a huge possibility due to a huge focus on debt repayments may have a bearing on the livelihoods of poor farmers given the present inflation rates. This will potentially impede agricultural led growth.

In light of the export ban, Zambia will lose out on much needed forex earning during a time of this poor exchange rate performance, inflation, debt distress, coupled with Covid-19 limitations. Further, this will limit the private sector’s capacity to take advantage of the markets in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Congo DRC. According to the Indaba Agriculture Policy Research (IAPRI) Zambia lost USD 270 million due to export bans in the 2016/2017 agricultural season.

Notwithstanding the food security rationale, government needs to limit its interference in markets. According to Chilundika and Mulungu’s study in 2016, while FRA’s interventions have been based on welfare concerns, they are regressive and harm a large proportion of rural households.

This year, small-scale holder farmers need to benefit sufficiently in income terms considering this bumper harvest while any irregularities in maize marketing must be closely monitored. This will contribute to poverty alleviation as well as encourage agricultural led development. Government needs to revise its position in the procurement of 1 000 000 000 metric tonnes for strategic reserves as this may potentially disrupt markets. The export ban will cost Zambia substantial forex earnings and hurt the private sector engagements in agriculture and hence this current policy intervention must be revised.

I’m going to call her Peace

She held in her arms the most precious thing she had ever beheld and instantly felt an involuntary transmission of fullness and warm fuzzies transpire within her. Her mouth neatly folded into a smile as her eyes sent a copious amount of tears down her face. She had no idea of her capability to feel this much, but she had an idea that her life had just changed forever. She looked up into the ceiling for a moment and smiled.

“Peace! I’m going to call her Peace.” Keisha said in her mind.

She was in incredible elation that had quickly absorbed the memories of the pain she felt a few moments ago. She was the only one responsible in a situation she had never asked for, but she remained indifferent to the status quo and had decided to be proactive and overcome her struggle. What was, was and she had realized she could do nothing about it except to pick herself up and live.

She felt a sense of peace. She felt alive, she knew love in a more refined way- to meet a new person and have them in your heart instantly. The past few months were a dark cloud. It had been a real struggle.

A number of months ago….

The weather that afternoon was horrendous. Sweat dripped off people’s bodies as though tiny water falls had been planted on them. Perhaps it was time for humanity to pay for neglecting the environment. It was a fitting rehearsal for anyone going to hell. On a typical afternoon like this one, you really had to be cautious with how you approached people or you would be greeted by their ticking time bombs.

Fortunately for everyone, the local supermarket, 24/7 remained convenient. They lived up to their name and on such a day they could certainly come to your rescue. You could always get a cold bottle of water, ice cream, a cold beer, a cold drink or a smoothie. After a long day at school, Keisha was here for the latter.

“Here for the regular?” she heard a familiar voice say.

“Uncle Ash” she exclaimed as she turned around while beaming. “You bet.”

“Knock yourself out”

She always enjoyed the customer service whenever she was here. This was the only business place one could feel like family. As she was leaving the store, she suddenly grew a dull countenance, she had just seen Raymond. He had seen her see him and had started towards her.

“How many times will I tell you I am not interested?” she shot as he now stood within her proximity.

“Good afternoon.” He replied with a big smile that revealed his nice white teeth.

“Well you and the heat just sucked out everything good about the afternoon, now kindly excuse me” she said and started to walk away.

“I know Keisha, its getting a little too much and I am sorry, but you just drive me crazy. I think about you all the time.” he chased after her.

“I don’t care, that’s your problem” she retorted “It is too hot, do you not have places to be except make a woman’s life miserable with your presence?”

His big smile returned like she had said something nice to him “Listen, please lets hang out just once this weekend and if you do not like it, I promise to never bother you again” he pleaded with her.

She stopped for a minute and took a sip from her smoothie. “Fine, this weekend and that’s it, Raymond .” she said

“Thank you.” he said in disbelief.

If only Keisha got a dollar for every time Raymond made his advances, she would probably buy the Iphone 11. She was in the least impressed by his persistence and she was truly determined to send his advances to the grave by accepting to hang out with him so he could bother her no more, but perhaps she should have realized saying no was enough. At nineteen she had never had a boyfriend and was no stranger to the proverbial societal comment of  “how are you this pretty and single?” She was fired to end Raymond’s advances this weekend, but what she did not realize was that her life was about to change forever.

When that weekend came, it was a master of irony. It started out so well. Raymond was a real gentle man and he made her feel so comfortable and special. He had picked her up and had brought her some flowers.

They went to the local pub and grill for some food. She enjoyed the greek olive burger a little more than anyone else, but what she never expected to enjoy too was the conversation with Ray. He was an expert at conversing with people so much so that she had opened up in a short time.

“I like Whitney Houston as much as the next guy, but Aretha Franklin is the greatest female musician of all time” Ray argued

“Fair enough, but you cannot leave Tina Turner out of the equation” she retorted

They had talked about everything, debated a few points and laughed about a number of things. It was so strange how she easily related with someone she had loathed the past few months. Everything occurred so smoothly. She was enjoying it all. “Perhaps, I should have been less mean to him” she thought.

“Listen, Keisha.” Ray suddenly said in a serious tone. “I have liked you for as long as I have known, and I am really sorry for all the bother I cost you, but I just wanted a chance to get to know you and I want to confess that this is the best day of my life, so thank you”

Her eyes lit up. She couldn’t use her voice in the moment. After what seemed like a minute she said “I honestly do not know what to say”

“You do not have to say anything, I just wanted to let you know” he said softly and smiled at her. “Now off we go”

They decided to end their day with  a stroll in the park. Her hand in his, his in her’s. She had no experience of this, but this was something she had seen in movies and was happy to see. He smelled so nice and she appreciated his sense of responsibility and his ability to  plan.

“I just want to say I am so sorry for being mean to you before” she said

“Do not ruin the moment” he joked and put his arm around her shoulders.

Suddenly three boys about Ray’s age stood in their way.

“Is this your girl?” the first boy asked Ray

“So you can’t respond because you are with your hoe?” the second one said in a mocking way

Like a flash of lightening Ray released what seemed like an involuntary punch to the second boy’s mouth sending two of incisors flying out. At the sight of this, the other two boys jumped on Ray and beat him until he seemed unconscious.He lay in a pool of blood. Keisha had been screaming the whole time, but no one seemed to come to their rescue let alone heard her cries. The boys shifted their attention to her. She too was left in blood, not that she was beaten.















Piki Piki Dethrones Lituation: Top 10 Best Performing 2018 Zambian Music Videos on Youtube.


It is a pretty rare sight to find an article like this one. Most of the times bloggers have bashing or controversial headlines about the Zambian Music industry and mostly for clout. This leaves progression buried and uncelebrated. Also, most often, nobody is willing to do the work of the Central Statistics Office ‘pro bono’ and as a result  a lot of interesting occurrences remain in thick shadows.

So hello everyone and welcome to Aquila Speaks. I may not be a big deal right now, but I have been in this business for over 6 years now. I am so passionate about my country, Zambia and its evolution. I pray to God that I can one day substantially contribute to the progression of our nation in the near future.

I am also really interested in numbers, I don’t think there is a month that goes by without googling someone’s net worth, a country’s GDP, capital of companies etc. I also pay particular attention to the number of streams/views of songs and videos on Platforms like YouTube and of course today I present to you the Top 10 best performing Zambian Music videos from 2018. To those that remember, I recently did a thread on twitter about the same and I decided to do a blog post. Please note that the bench mark date is as of today March 11 2019. So here we go:

  1. Afunika – [ PIKI-PIKI SKIRT ]

    On February 8th 2019, I did a thread on twitter and you will remember that Piki Piki came in second to Lituation. However, the growth rate of Piki Piki Skirt’s YouTube views has been so amazing that today it is number one. On the 8th, the video had 355K views and As of today, the Video is set to cross over to 600k in only 3 months.  During this period we see a growth rate of 68%. I can smell a Million views by the year end and if it does, this is a milestone that deserves an award. Congratulations Afunika.

  2. Lituation- Slapdee ft Patoranking and Daev

    This is one of the most beautiful and best directed videos  to come from 2018.  It is also one of the Top 3 songs from 2018, no doubt, depending on the judge. Slap Dee delivers appearances from Patoranking himself.  When initially posted, the video enjoyed a  robust growth rate of views and shot to half a million views in less than 6 months. It stands at 508K views as of today and keeps growing. I hope to see it hit a Million Views soon.

  3. Finally- Yo Maps ft Macky 2

    The video is featured on two channels; PICKWAP TV and ZMB (Zambian Music Blog). I will, however, go with the one on ZMB, which is a more official platform. On the 8th this video had 323K views and today has 481K views. The video boasts of a 49% growth rate during this time period. The video has done really great given that it has only been on YouTube less than 3 months

  4. Umpatefye- T-Sean

    Standing at 364,854 views today, the video stands reflects a growth rate of 17% since the 8th of February. It dethrones Macky 2’s Umutima from fourth position.

  5. Umutima Wandi- Macky 2 ft Ephraim & Njamba

    Dropping to number 5, Umutima is a beautiful song  by the Kopala Swag boss that a lot of  Zambian Christians can jam to, I mean Macky 2 brings you Ephraim and Njamba‘s verse is really great. It stands at 356K views today.

  6. Bend down-Rich Bizzy ft Dj Cent

    This video has performed incredibly. It has  exhibited a growth rate of 52% since the eighth of February. Today it has 312K views.


    This is definitely one of the best songs to come from 2018. Shout out to Drimz for this one. Evidently, the video is performing really well on YouTube. Stood at 180K on the 8th of February and 267K as of today.


    This is as well one of most beautiful and well directed videos from last year, but knowing Kaladoshas’ repetior, this was expected. On the 8th of February, the video stood at 167K and today stands at 218K, proving that people are really still enjoying the hit.


    Of course the new school wave players feature at number 9. Their video stands just below Kaladoshas with 212K, moving from 188K as of 8th February. 408 empire have hit the airwaves and given the country a new contagious vibe that everyone seems to be enjoying.

  10. Burna Ft Jemax & Y Celeb FWEDEDE Dance

    One of the most happening songs in Copperbelt and many Parts of Zambia. The video stands at 169K views as of today. It reflects a growth rate of 48% since February 8th. The song is still spreading.

Growth rate of views is accelerating at a healthy speed over the years. With investments in diligent marketing, hit songs will be able to reach over 700K to 1M views in 6 months or less. The future of Zambian music is brighter than ever before.  It is also important to note that some relatively neat videos are being delivered, I still hope more investments can be made into the industry so much better videos are produced. I still feel Thought of you by Mic Burner is still  the best Zambian music video till date. I urge Zambians to be supporters of the local industry as opposed to always enjoying what is outside more. There is so much Talent is Zambia and before you know it some one outside will steal our dances and make them popular to the world. So it is upon the people in charge of the industry to set policies that will ensure that the train keeps moving forward. Lastly I note the lack of female presence  on the lists, hopefully this year we  get to see more of them

You can see the twitter thread of 8th February, Here

Also I have created a YouTube Playlist for these videos, so simply click here to view them.


Thank you all for reading.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel here here follow me on twitter here. God bless.

Disclaimer: Some Statistics may not be accurate(no body’s perfect), but all in all, I have really tried my very best to deliver what I can obtain as per what YouTube shows as of today and 8th February 2019.


Dear Zambian Youth



Dear ZW,

Compliments of the season. I hope this letter finds you in great health and …*laughter*. When was the last time you wrote or received a letter? Oh that’s right, you probably don’t remember and if you do, it’s ages ago. Boarding school people of 2010 and earlier should really relate. Hillcrest, Ibenga, Lwitikila, Fatima, Banani, Ndola Technical, St Mary’s, St Paul’s ,Simba, Njase, Lwengu, Kasisi, are we here? Remember the thrill of receiving a letter, especially from your boyfriend or girlfriend? The excitement it brought when you would make yourself comfortable just to read those words. Do not get me wrong, I do appreciate the modern days of instant messaging, but you will agree how special receiving a letter made us feel. The 2000s really missed out. 🙂

Anyway, I decided to do a letter for every Zambian youth. Ironically, it’s not in a sealed envelope to be delivered to your doorstep by Zambia Postal Services, it’s hosted on a blog site, to be delivered to your phone. At this point I realise that even if this post went viral, I wouldn’t reach many other youths because they have no access to the internet, let alone a smart phone. So my friend, count yourself to be blessed.

My friend, I understand reading is boring, but just stick a little longer and if you may, please share this link to the next youth. I will really appreciate. I just have a few points to share with you and I’m done.

I always say there is so much history to be made in Zambia by us the youths because a number of ventures remain untapped and a lot of irregularities like inequality, corruption, intolerance, etc are yet to be rectified. In short there is a lot of fields with empty tittle slots for first Zambian because, well as you understand the proverbial, we are backward in myriads of areas.

For example, the Zambian sound is yet to be sold to the world.  Young musicians have a better chance to be the next Wizkid in the near future because a number of factors are changing to their favor with time and also because they are creative. We are yet to see a National Team that will qualify for the world cup, let alone win it. We are yet to see Zambians making a break through in Scientific and economic research. We are yet to see  Zambians building Multinational Corporations and covered on Forbes.

We are yet to see a Zambia where eating healthy, efficient transportation, dressing well, efficient and affordable health care and WiFi will not be a privilege, but a right at least for the majority.  

I am convinced that if there is any real and long term change to be made, be it social, economical or political, it will be instigated by you. You and I are a generation of potential. We are hopefuls, dreamers. We see a lot of things differently, we have better solutions to problems, we are more sophisticated, more exposed and most important to note, we have grown in the errors our parents have made in our nation  and so our hearts scream change and therefore we badly want to become it. We are going to make great leaders as men and women.

The Zambian youth of today have powerful ideas, they are exposed, they are very tolerant, they do not see tribe, they believe in women empowerment, they care about the future and, they appreciate the arts, they are creators. We have people with interests in Science, Economics, Engineering, Medicine, Politics, Photography, Music, Modelling & Fashion, Developers, people with T.v shows on YouTube. They will create great things and they will make great leaders in the future. It’s all evident in some recent occurrences. The football level exhibited by the under 20 football team is something new, the work of the current Kitwe Mayor, activism of people like Brian Bweembya (B-Flow), the applicants for the EMpower 100 and many more underground creatives and young Zambian leaders around the world who never see the light of publicity.

Dear friend, to be a part of this history creation will not be accidental. You have to start now, with the first thing being the change in mindset. To prevent Cholera, you first need to clean your environment. Similarly, you need to rid your mind off thoughts that impede evolution.  You will need to eliminate negativity, be kind,and most of all to be able to see yourself as a person of value.

When you realise your self-worth, you will never allow anyone to take advantage of you and you will never allow yourself to settle for less.

Today we need to realise as Zambian youths that we have a future to lead. You owe it to the motherland to contribute something that will allow for the growth of our country. Where our country will stand tomorrow is highly dependent on how much we evolve today.

However, it breaks my heart to see youths indulge in activities of self destruction.  Youths studying abroad  are forgetting their purpose there and screwing up great opportunities that took enormous parental sacrifice. In the country, youths have found alcohol to be a great sport and are wasting time by involving themselves in illicit activities with unemployment being their favorite scapegoat. It is time we looked less to the government and made things happen on our own. A lot of success stories came from unemployment. It is all about trying.

If you will have to sale charcoal to support yourself, do it. Do not be ashamed of anyone. Yes you will say, ”Aquila, you want to make it sound easy”. Of course, mate nothing is easy. The world is hard,  but with a positive mind and resilience, you are unstopable. Kindly look up mother to son by Langston Hughes.

Learn to save, learn to invest, do not waste money to impress anyone. The most important person is yourself, my friend. Nothing matters more than your happiness. Be patient for your time, do not let Instagram posts put you in unnecessary  pressure, people just show you what they want you to see. We are all taking Ls. Be humble, learn to love, give more and take less. Read more and Spend less time debating whether or not Modric deserved the Ballon D’or, or if your crush will like you back . Begin to transform yourself into a valuable human being who will contribute greatness on our quest to see a developed Zambia.

I am a firm believer in ”nothing is impossible”. As we go into the new year, I wish you financial break through and your dreams transformed into existence and mostly your happiness. Let us be the better politicians, parents, clergy, and generally citizens we hope to see. Leave toxic associations and habits and see your level elevated.

Yours faithfully,
Aquila Ng’onga
Fellow Youth


Thankful to all the youths  below for accompanying this post and making it beautiful and many thanks to the beautiful Bwalya Mapesa for being the article cover model. You can follow her on instagram by clicking here and her blog site by clicking here

  1. Kabwe Mponda ”Life unfolds wherever you are, and now you’re here. Live and make the most of every opportunity”

kabwe mp

2. Natasha Ng’onga. ‘Do something today, that your future self will thank you for”.


3.  Samuel Chibwe “Always be at your best in all that you do and keep the same energy, because what you give out is what you get back from this world more often than not”samg


















4. Dalitsotwirrabud

5. Jane Mvula ”We should work hard, start our businesses we shouldn’t depend on the government and other people, let’s not wait to be employed we have to utilize the little knowledge we have to develop our country. Imiti ikula empanga”jane

6. Sandie Mulungushi Dreams do come true, you can win if you want to.


7. Abednego Chiyesu ”The moment we keep looking behind is the moment we continue remaining behind”


8. Nicoletta Katulwende ( Journalism and communication Student) ”Tomorrow is never certain.. so Carpe diem (seize the day)”


9.  James Millerjamesmiller

10. Bwalya Mapese “If you want to see change start with yourself and don’t let your current circumstances dictate or define you because even they change.”bwalya

11.  Tyson What ever you can do ,do it with excellence ”gerald

12. Tsion “trust yourself, you know more than you think you do”tsi tsi

13. Simwenya Simwaka (IT officer) ”Always stay positive and work hard while at it, it’s starts in the mind”tiwwa

14. Desbourne deszb

15. Sarah Agape Phiri ”Be negative about Negativity”sarah

16. Joel Mfune The youths need to reanimate their unleashed potential into a productive one.


17. Bwalya


18. Emmanuel Simusokwe ”we need to put in much in our Education for it is an investment in knowledge that pays off”
