Thank you 2017, Good bye 2017, Hello 2018.

Over the years, no matter how busy I may be, I have always found time to sit down, reflect and do a post about how my year progressed. This year is obviously no exception. When we were in January, I knew we could be here today in no time. Time keeps growing swifter wings.

I will state that this year is one where I saw the most personal growth. I have learnt lots of things this year. I have read some good books, done some online courses, improved my dressing, had the opportunity to lead a bigger team- the international student’s union, learnt how to relate to people, kept enhancing my sense of self and most of all never forgetting to realise that God is and will forever be my leader.

Life for me is all about growth or progress. I aim to be a better version of myself today, tomorrow and that’s just how it goes.

I thank God for this year because it humbled me. It made me realise how much ignorant I have been on multiple aspects of life. I therefore decided to dedicate a substantial part of my time to learning and I am not talking about academics. So I will keep learning from anyone and everyone.

One of the saddest lessons I have learnt is “use or be used”. Its like I was blind all this while to not see how people feign interest in you just so they can attain some benefit from you.

Sometimes we can be gullible. A thin line needs to be drawn between being gullible and believing in people. Not everyone is what they claim to be. Time exposes all of us. All in all, I have been disappointed and betrayed and this has only increased my skepticism levels.

Personally, I have observed a myriad of my flaws and I am working tirelessly to become ‘better’. Sometimes this feels like losing my identity, like losing myself. Because sometimes I feel like I only do that so people can accept me, so people can say I am humble, so people can have a better opinion of me. In as much as I try and mostly I don’t give a rat’s ass about people’s perceptions of me, I love it when they say I am not a good person because they actually had a chance to be wronged by me as opposed to listening to funny people.

A day ago I had a conversation with a very interesting person. They had been fed with funny theories about me, but being a rational person, it did not deter them from interacting with me with which they were greeted by solid irony.

Sometimes people speak evil about others, but the best I have learnt is to find out for yourself. You never know, but those would turn out to be the best of a friend, business partner or soul mate. ☺ So trust your own judgement.

Any way as self confident as I am, it has been so hard to absorb the fact that people will think whatever. Be good, be bad, they will always talk. With that said, I don’t like people that don’t like me. 😏

The other thing I would like to share is we need to be genuinely good people. Let us avoid hating on people, feeling jealous and being in relations just for self benefit. I hate the idea of waiting for a new year to change, but in 2018 let us avoid being fake.

Let us not text people just because we want something from them. Let us stop those fake greetings. Let us genuinely care. Let us avoid fake smiles. Let us learn to love others despite their flaws.

I have a very huge weakness. I have no patience or thoughts for people that don’t like me. It is like they don’t exist. The people that I have come to realise can’t stand me the most are actually the ones that have smiled at me and given me compliments. I think they are very strong people having been able to conceal all that hate. I am very candid myself. So you wont expect fake smiles, you should expect to be ignored. However, this is what I am going to try to change about myself, not that I will give fake smiles, but I will grow and spread love. I can not call myself a follower of Christ and ignore his teachings.

Matthew 5:44 (KJV) says

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

I never have new year’s resolutions, but I believe this is worth practicing.

My advice to all you the readers is as follows:

  1. You happiness matters the most. Do things that make you happy. Do not be in a relationship because you want to protect your partner’s feelings. Be in it because you are happy. Be selfish as to let your happiness come first.
  2. Believe in yourself. No one can be a greater impetus for change asides yourself.
  3. Forget what people say. Focus on yourself. If Jesus was crucified, who do you imagine you are?
  4. Be a genuine person. Fake is not good and karma is genuine, so be careful
  5. Invest in yourself. Read a book, eat good food, travel, learn a new skill.
  6. Exposure is important, it limits your excitement. Excitement is a killer.
  7. Choose the right company. Be quick to cut off people like Cardi puts it. Flee negativity and toxic friendships and those that never discuss great ideas and moving forward, but other people.
  8. Do not be envious. Be content with what you have and trust me, not everyone you admire has their shit together. Everyone is struggling in a way or another. Don’t be impressed by anyone or everything. Learn to be hard to impress.
  9. Do not give to receive. Give because it makes you happy.
  10. Last but no the least, always remember to thank God.

Friends, life is too short to be miserable. What we need to pursue everyday is not money, it is happiness. But even as money is sweet, let us remember to search for happiness.

I wish you all a prosperous 2018. Let God pour his blessings upon you and may you always be happy. Compliments of the season. ☺

It has been a great year for me. I don’t regret my errors, the people i cut off, my bad judgements and all the horrible moments and pain because I just received an upgrade.

Thank you 2017, Good bye 2017 and Hello 2018. 😛

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